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astrologer, human design reader, mentor and writer

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Use the cosmos as your guide. Let's discover more about you


Explore your energetic blueprint. Learn how your energy works


Julia Isabel, Atelier Mochi

Ines ist wunderbar. Ich habe schon mehrere Male mit ihr gearbeitet und bin immer wieder aufs Neue überrascht wie klar und verständlich Ines die Astrologie wie auch das Human Design erklärt. Auch Zeremonien führt Ines in kleinem Kreise mit viel Passion durch. Es ist eine Freude mit ihr zu arbeiten und auch einfach nur dabei zu sein wenn sie ihre wunderbaren Dinge zaubert.

Candice Arzaga, otravie

There is so much to say about Inés! Working with her, I've been able to understand so much more about myself through Human Design and Astrology. The way that Inés is able to take you through the various aspects of your charts, hold space for you and provide a highly educated background across her areas plus her special intuitive wisdom is unlike anyone in the field of Astrology/ Human Design that I've ever worked with before. Inés' work is truly a gift!

Anna Jordane, Maturation Coach

“Had a magical season with Inés this morning. She explained some human design specific questions that I had and then read my astro chart for the coming year. It was so affirming and beautiful. So special to receive that confirmation that I’m in alignment (I feel this so deep). Also good to have an idea of what will come up for me to work on in the coming year, themes that I can still learn from.


Inés Kelly has a gift, is a gift! if you’re interested in HD and astro - highly recommend you get in touch.”

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"As above, so below. As farthest out, so deepest within."


about inés kelly

Inés is Peruvian and Swiss. Raised in the US, she moved to Switzerland as a teenager and has been living in Zurich since. Thanks to her multicultural upbringing, she had the opportunity to dip her toes into various cultural traditions, rituals, and ways of living. Inés is an integrative guide and mentor of astrology, human design and the ancestral.

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