A shift in the collective energy happens every time the lunar nodes continue their journey into the next two astrological signs. A cycle is complete, from where Aries initiated us into our inner power and independence, releasing co-dependency and avoidance with Libra. It showed us to fight for what we believe in. Now we navigate the deep waters of north node in Pisces, embodying trust and self-compassion, while discerning harsh criticism that no longer serves us with south node in Virgo. What will this new cycle bring?
Lunar Nodes
The Lunar nodes are energetic vortices that show where we are heading karmically as a collective, and as individuals. It is attached with life lessons. These are mathematical points, not planets, that intersect the sun’s path and moon’s orbit. The pull of the nodes is ruled by the astrological sign they are in. Each node takes on the zodiac constellation where it is placed, which always are in opposition to one another. The astrological sign show how it desires to be expressed and the house within is the area of life will be lived out. The house is of equal importance as the sign where the node is located.
North node / South node enter Pisces / Virgo
As from 11 January 2025 the lunar node axis enters a new constellation beginning a new 18 month cycle. From Aries and Libra the nodes shift into the signs of Pisces and Virgo until 26 July 2026. This new constellation asks us to invite more magic, creativity and self-compassion into our lives. And simultaneously, steer away from self-criticisim and the rigid upholding of perfectionism. With it, we equally have the opportunity to release the need to control every detail and open up to the guidance of the Universe. Trust in divine timing and release any anxiety or worries you hold towards future outcomes. Now is the time to explore mystical and spiritual realms.
Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarius placements will experience the most out of the lunar nodes. Especially, activated by the two sets of eclipses happening. In Pisces season, we will have a total lunar eclipse on 14 March and a parital solar eclipse on 29 March 2025. Expect another round of transformative energy in Virgo for a total lunar eclipse on 7 September and a partial solar eclipse on 21 September 2025. Eclipses break the mold of conditioning. Whatever is ready to come to a rapid end, will during these lunar events. With that new beginnings will emerge.
For those experiencing your nodal return, expect clarity and support around your visions. This only happens roughly every 18 years. This is the completion of a cycle that has to do with your life's path. Reversal nodal returns will experience karmic cycles of beginnings and endings.
North Node - your destiny
Your North Node shows your life’s path and what your Soul is here to strive for in this incarnation. It is attached with the life lessons you will undergo to obtain the skills you require in this lifetime to fulfill your destiny. Here a psychological shift ocurrs. A natural unfoldment that will happen in due time.
South Node - your comfort zone
Your South Node placement represents past life themes and what you live out in the first thirty years of your life. What you already mastered and feel the most comfortable with. These are aspects that you are familiar with and embody naturally. Now you are invited to head in another direction, outside the comfort zone and into the unknown of what awaits ahead.
Your north node in Pisces
You know perfection and structure. In the past you have mastered it. Now you are here to stop the overthinking. What if you are not in control of everything? What if you just surrender and trust the Universe? You are here to dissolve your past beliefs, that perfection is the only way. Be and work in solitude whenever possible. Live in the moment, and find a spiritual practice that brings you back to your center. You are here to trust in the unseen and dive into the mystical mysteries of life. Creativity and spirituality is the path.
Your south node in Virgo
As a recovering perfectionist, you are here to let go of what you can’t control. Your natural state is one of compassion, hope and trust. You are here to cultivate a strong connection with the Universe. Hand over your need to obsessively analyse. Work on releasing high expectations and wanting to improve every little thing. Concentrate on cultivating a positive mindset towards yourself and others. Not everything needs to be perfect. Attention to detail served you in a past life. Now you can relax and release the anxiety you have around that which you can't control. This is what your Soul signed up for: to put that brilliant mind at work. Give it a problem to solve. Learn how to calm anxiety through prayer and meditation.
About the writer
Inés Kelly is a mentor in Human Design and astrology. Her multi-cultural background has gifted her with the insight of various rituals and traditions. Bringing the ancestral and the honoring of the natural cycles to the community is a deep value she holds.