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Jul 5, 2023
The Planets and Days of the Week
A place I looked for inspiration to create a more aligned and intuitive routine were the planets and days of the week. Every day is...

May 2, 2023
What are the Four Elements?
Every element can be found in nature. They complete each other. Earth can be found in the soil and the ground we walk upon. Plants,...

Feb 27, 2023
How to recognize your Spirit Animal
Spirit Animals are guides who appear in form as an animal, when we need love, strength, support, inspiration, and guidance. These may...

May 11, 2022
What is the Symbolism of the Owl
The Owl is the gatekeeper of the lunar and nocturnal energies. A perceptive animal with instinctive ability and keen eyesight. Lately,...

Oct 12, 2021
The inner seasons we go through in life
Even in life we go through our own inner cycles separate from the lunar and menstrual cycle, yet surely influenced. The cycle of birth,...

Jul 31, 2021
How to interpret your dreams
Your dreams are messengers. Your deep inner workings, processes and healing. Understanding these messenges can help you understand...

Jun 25, 2021
Symbolism of the Spider
The spider - feared by many, understood by few. I feel like the spider gets a bad rap. It might seem scary with all of its crawly legs...

Feb 5, 2021
How to release with the waning moon
The waning moon is probably the least known or recognized lunar phase there is. Maybe it's very energetics make people want to repress...

Dec 3, 2020
What is the Wheel of the Year
The Wheel of the Year is a spiritually potent symbol of the 8 seasonal festivals. I include the Germanic Sacred Nights making it 9....

Dec 3, 2020
Symbolism of Winter
We are about to embark on the darkest nights of the year. As the Wheel rotates further in our calendar, we leave the transformative...
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