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Jan 20, 2024
Midwinter Season of Imbolc
The midwinter season may bring a sensation of not knowing what to do with it. We came down from the holiday stress. Now the Christmas...

Aug 9, 2023
Creating an aligned routine and schedule
Coming from a corporate background, it took me a while to find my groove in how to manage my time as a mother and self-employed. Recently...

Jul 21, 2023
Lughnasadh Rituals
Lughnasadh (pronounced Luna-sah) is the beginning of the harvest season. Also influenced byLammas (meaning loaf mass), the harvest fest...

Jul 20, 2023
Lion's Gate Portal Rituals
During the 26 July until 12 August 2022 we will experience the brightest star, Sirius known as the spiritual Sun, to descend and align...

May 24, 2023
Money Rituals
When it comes to money, it is about claiming your power back. We give so much power to money even though in essence it is neutral in...

May 2, 2023
What are the Four Elements?
Every element can be found in nature. They complete each other. Earth can be found in the soil and the ground we walk upon. Plants,...

Apr 15, 2023
How to Create a Ritual on Beltane
This day marks light, fertility, sensual activities such as dance, ceremony, pleasure. It is a celebration for the season to come.

Oct 12, 2022
Your Witchy Guide to Zurich
The seaon of the Witches is upon us, and with Samhain around the corner, I wanted to share my favorite online and physical shops where I...

Jun 15, 2022
What to do on the Summer Solstice
Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year associated with expansion and creation. It is when the sun spends the most hours above...

Jan 7, 2022
word of the year
The word of the year is an annual ritual you can do. For me it is about setting a tone on what I desire for the New Year. Last year I...
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