Creating ritual is an intuitive and feminine practice. It allows us to flow with our inner guidance and connect with our spirit guides simultaneously. During winter we feel the most inclined probably to sit by our altar and become intentional with rituals, since we spend more time at home during the cold months.

Winter Solstice, also known as Yule in pagan traditions is a celebration to honor the shortest day of the year and longest night. During these festivities trees were honored. Typcially a tree was decorated outdoors, and a bonfire to honor the rebirth of new beginnings. People gathered around the bonfire and tree to sing songs and burn holly. A piece of log was saved to start the new year's fire symbolizing continuity. Gifts were offered during this time. As you might have picked up on - something we typically do in christmas traditions.
It is when the sun slowly returns in the Northern Hemisphere. Which will be left unnoticed for months. As in nature, nothing is rushed, yet everything is restored with time and in its own pace. The light returns into our lives especially during these darkest nights of the year, also known as the 12 Sacred Nights.
Winter Solstice usually falls on the 21-22 December of every year. An energetic portal to attune to the current transition of the seasons, set intentions for winter and honor nature.
How to create ritual on the Winter Solstice
A day like the Winter Solstice has a stronger energetic pole to create effective rituals. The energy is already in the air, and therefore, supported. Taking time to create ritual on the Winter Solstice is a way to honor the dark season of winter.
Create ritual is honor what is and releasing what isn't. It brings in intentionality and sacrednes into your every day life and into our homes. It is also a beautiful way to bring community together to create such ritual together.
Our ancient ancestors understood and respected the cycles, transitions, and seasons and the interconnectedness of the web of life.
On days such as the Winter Solstice, I like to take a moment to reflect and journal before creating ritual. It is an anchor in time to not only give myself a moment to reflect on what was but on what I would like to have come.
Here are some journaling questions for the Winter Solstice
✦ What has the winter brought in lessons?
✦ Do i resist the dark and stillness?
✦ How can i embrace the dark periods in my life with more love and compassion?
✦ How are ways i can honor the cold and dark season of winter?
✦ What are my intentions for winter solstice and the rest of the winter season ahead?
✦ What are some obstacles that might stand in the way of these intentions?
✦ What enlightened action steps can i take towards my intentions?
Winter Solstice Rituals
Ritual is intuitive. Which is why I will always encourage you to do ritual that comes and speaks to your heart. It should feel right to you. When you follow your intuition, then you will be surprised, how things flow naturally and that you might already have a lot of undiscovered sides of your ritual making that is waiting to come out. Nevertheless, I am here to inspire your ritual creation and offer support where I can.
Here are some ways to create ritual on Winter Solstice:
✧ Create a Sacred Space
Adorn your sacred space/ altar with objects/plants that represent winter. Light an incense and candle and let it burn. Place your intentions list at your altar and leave it there during the Winter Solstice.
✧ Make a bonfire with your community.
Go outdoors and create a fire with your friends and family. Gather around the fire and have a release ritual. You could of course do this on a smaller scale just you at home in private ceremony. However, when you come together as a community, you amplify on each other's energy and create for a stronger release within the tribe. Write down on pieces of paper everything that you are ready to transmute, change, let go of this season of winter. What are you ready to hand over to the universe for divine intervention and guidance?
✧ Candle Ritual
In the evening, turn off all the lights and have only candles lit in all of the rooms, or in the room you are in. Sit and be in the darkness, while you sit either in meditation. One of my favorite ways to connect with my inner magick is through a candle light meditation. Gaze into the flame for as long as you desire and observe it, be still, and light your own inner fire within.
Further ideas how to honor the season of winter you can find my article, Symbolism of Winter.
May these ideas spark inspiriation for your own ritual on this powerful day of stillness and contemplation.
Do share with me in the comments - how will you create ritual this Winter Solstice?
Join our upcoming Winter Solstice Ceremony or our ritualistic journey throughout the 12 Sacred Nights.
Sending Solstice blessings your way and a peaceful welcoming of the sun's return.
In service,
Inés Kelly

About the writer
Inés Kelly - Lover of all things cycles: moon, menstrual, astrology, ritual.
Anything cyclical that allows ourselves to flow at our own pace and time is medicine to me.
This is why I created an online space for women to gather, dance, flow, be with the moon, one another and ourselves.
She guides women through Seasonal Journeys where they come together in ceremony to honor the transitions of the seasons, create ritual and set powerful intentions for themselves for the season ahead.