Different to the previous episode where I speak more about my own personal experience, I speak more to what does it need to move through a phase like this with acceptance and grace. We all move through stagnant phases like this - let's make it our new normal to accept ourselves even through the tough times.
In this episode, I speak about:
the dark moon phase we move through in life
what is needed to move through this phase with grace
my personal learnings
the gift of going through an inner dark moon phase.
About your podcast host
Inés Kelly is an astrologist, ceremonialist and human design reader. You can find her Moon Musings every New Moon and Full Moon on her blog and on Ally.Vision and By Adushka.
Connect with Inés + Resources
Reach out if this episode resonated with you: hola@ineskelly.com
Learn more about the moon phases in my self-study course, Moon Magic: https://ineskelly.podia.com/moon-magic
Learn about the various phases we go through as women in my online self study course, Mujer Luna: https://ineskelly.podia.com/mujerluna
Sign up for my free newsletter and receive a Moon Ritual Toolkit here: https://ineskelly.podia.com/ritual-toolkit
Learn about my astrological readings: https://www.ineskelly.com/humandesign