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Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

The Full Moon brings everything out of the darkness. All while we find ourselves in the deep waters of Scorpio season, Taurus is now bringing in some grounding energy.

lunar eclipse in taurus

Every Full Moon delivers the aligned moment to look at where in life we are manifesting and receiving. This phase of our lunar cycle symbolizes the harvest season of summer. It is when our manifestations come through. On the flipside, it could also point us in the direction of growth and what we are not yet fully embodying in order to receive.

This Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse and final Eclipse event of this season. Eclipse season is a time for transformation.

Eclipse Season

Overall, the Eclipses are here to create massive change. It supercharges the lunar phases in such a way that it creates chaos (or what seems to be chaos at first) for clarity to come in later. Expect a season of transformation. And transformation that occurs a lot more quicker in a short period of time. Learn more about the Eclipse Season here.


This is what Taurus is calling us to do this full moon. The bull woman, stubborn in her nature, persistent in her being, she desires stability more than anything else. When she has the room to unravel her being and move around in her cautious manner. Ruled by the planet Venus, making her a warm, gentle and loving being when her energies are balanced. Within her is the element of Earth.

The element of earth is the physical. It is firm and sustainable. Also represents the Wise Woman and the inner Witch. Our physical being alike is a vehicle and vessel for abundance.

Scorpio - Taurus, polar-opposites

The Taurus is the polar-opposite of our current sun sign, scorpio. as everything has two sides to the coin. Both fixed and feminine signs, however their characteristics are being fueled from two different ends.

Where Scorpio strives to unravel the spiritual world and the unknown, Taurus strives in the material world, as she loves to surround herself with beautiful objects and personal possessions.

The body part that is ruled by taurus is the neck and throat which might explain why they are oftentimes very communicative and well-articulated beings. Having a sore throat around taurus days might point to a blocked throat chakra and the possibility of you needing to speak your truth.

The sun is shining its light onto the moon which is reflecting back to us on Earth. As the moon represents emotions, intuition, the unknown and feminine energies, she is showing us exactly where we can expand as conscious beings.

It is our invitation to connect with our physicality and stay anchored in our energy while proceeding to uncover the deepest layer of our soul.

Be gentle with yourself and be ok with sometimes not always having all the answers. How can you ground your energy in the midst of the transformative Scorpionic season?

Shamanic Moon Ritual

My ritual for you this Eclipse season is to refrain from consciously manifesting and to be more in the moment. What does life have to offer for you at this moment? Where have you been busy in the doing and neglecting being?

Recharge your batteries, allow the lessons to unfold and be in your own company. I have a few ways you can connect with the Earth element this season of Taurus that I would like to share with you here.

Connect with Earth and come back to your body:

♉︎ Medicine Movement: Move your body, your hips and dance in a way that feels pleasurable for you.

♉︎ Shamanic Shaking: Shake your entire body for at 5-10 minutes regularly to shamanic drums.

♉︎ Activate all of your senses: Enjoy the pleasures of the material plane: good food, herbs, incenses, essential oils, crystals.

♉︎ Nature Walks: Go for meditative walks in nature, listen to nature's whispers. Be still, listen, and feel. Look out for hidden messages of symbolism.

Journaling Questions:

Dive deeper into self-exploration with a journaling practice. Every New Moon and Full Moon, I provide various questions to reflect upon for your lunar rituals.

✦ Where are you receiving abundance in your life?

✦ What came through since the New Moon (two weeks ago)?

✦ What were you experiencing in the end of April till mid May that has now come to a closed cycle?

✦ How can you connect with your physical being this Full Moon and come back into your body in a way that feels pleasurable for you?

✦ How can you allow yourself to receive more with an open heart?

✦ What are you ready to release this Full Moon with love?

✦ What shadows have revealed itself this Full Moon and is now ready to be integrated?

✦ Where are you being redirected by life?

✦ How do you usually deal with change in your life? What would you like to do differently in the future?

✦ How can you surrender to the process of transformation?

Two ways to harness and hone in on the current energies:

Dive deeper this New Moon. I invite you to gather with our online tribe of spiritual women this New Moon. We gather every New Moon to set our intentions for the month and become clear on what we truly desire. Every Full Moon we let go of what is blocking us.

Subscribe for our Seasonal Guide offering free insights of the upcoming astrological, lunar and seasonal cycles. Delivered to your inbox every month.


About the writer

Shamanic healer - moon ceremonialist

Lover of all things cycles: moon, menstrual, astrology, ritual.

Anything cyclical that allows ourselves to flow at our own pace and time is medicine to me.

This is why I created an online space for women to gather, dance, flow, be with the moon, one another and ourselves.


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